We’re Not Unhappy, We’re Designers

Discontented observationalism is the designer’s modus operandi. Design is fundamentally about improvement. To be ever heedful takes a special mind. One that observes in great detail to the extent of scrutinizing the subject, sometimes to the grievance of those around.

“That letter A is so poorly kerned it’s making my eyes water.”

“Shut up, she’s four.”

Observation is the pillar upon which our unhappiness perches. A deeper understanding and appreciation for how things work, and came to be, is the observer’s reward in life. What sets a designer apart from a ponderer is the will to affect change, to create, and to make better.

Our discontent is the basis for wanting to improve the things we observe.

Next time someone says designers are unhappy people, explain that you’d be happier if the world didn’t need so much improving.


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Leave Them Weeping

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